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Whiteflag Java Library

Implementation of the Whiteflag Protocol for Java development

WFJL Whiteflag Messages

Go back to the WFJL Documentation Home or visit the detailed WFJL Javadoc API Reference


This section gives a general overview of the external programming interface of the WFJL of the main package. This package defines:

Whiteflag participants are originators and recipients of Whiteflag messages, which may be (groups of) organisations and individuals. As described in the Whiteflag specification, participants may use multiple Whiteflag accounts that correspond with a blockchain address on the underlying blockchain. A Whiteflag account then binds Whiteflag specific attributes, such as authentication data and encryption keys, to that blockchain address.


A simplified example for creating a new Whiteflag message of a type specified by a string with the message code:


public class Example {
  /* Properties */
  private WfMessage message;

  /* Methods */
  public WfMessage decode(String hexString) throws WfException {
    message = WfMessage.decode(hexString);
    return message;

Class Diagram

The class diagram gives a rough overview of the package. It is not intended as a complete or accurate reference for the classes. Instead, please see the WFJL Javadoc API Reference for all details.

WFJL Message Class Diagram