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Whiteflag Java Library

Implementation of the Whiteflag Protocol for Java development

WFJL Whiteflag Messages

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This section describes how Whiteflag messages are implemented internally by the WFJL. To use Whiteflag messages in software applications, only the package with the WfMessage class should be required normally.

In addition, the WfBinaryBuffer from the may be used if working with binary encoded message, but the WfMessage class does provide methods to obtain binary encoded messages as byte arrays or hexadecimal strings.


A simplified example for creating a new Whiteflag message of a type specified by a string with the message code:


public class Example {
  /* Properties */
  private WfMessage message;

  /* Methods */
  public WfMessage createMessage(String messageType) throws WfException {
    message = WfMessage.type(messageType);
    return message;

Class Diagram

The class diagram gives a rough overview of the package. It is not intended as a complete or accurate reference for the classes. Instead, please see the WFJL Javadoc API Reference for all details.

WFJL Message Class Diagram

Detailed Implementation

Message Classes

The WFJL implements the Whiteflag messages defined in the Whiteflag standard with the WfMessage class of the package. This class encapsulates the WfBasicMessage class from the package and adds implementation-sepcific metadata and methods that allow for further integration in larger software applications.

Message Core, Segment and Field classes

The WfBasicMessage class only contains the elements as specified in the Whiteflag standard, i.e. the generic message header and the message type specific body. Both are implemented as a WfMessageSegment class, which comprises a number of message fields implemented as WfMessageField class.

Message Creator, Type and Definition classes

To create Whiteflag messages, the core package provides the WfMessageCreator class to instantiate WfBasicMessage objects. The WfMessageCreator class is used by the static factory methods of the WfMessage class, which are the external interface to other software to create Whiteflag messages.

The WfMessageType class contains all message types i.a.w. the Whiteflag specification, and is used by the WfMessageCreator class to create the messages. The WfMessageDefintions is a utility class with all field definitions.


Message Creation and Alteration

The WfMessage class represents a Whiteflag message. The class cannot be instantiated directly. Instead, one of its static factory methods must be used to create a message. The available static factory methods to do this are:

Each of these methods returns a new WfMessage object.

Message Encryption and Decryption

Message encryption and decrytion requires additional information about the originator and recipient of the message. The encryption method is determined by the EncryptionIndicator field in the message itself.

For encryption, the orginator and recipient information is provided by passing account information from objects implementing the WfAccount interface through the following methods:

The non-secret initialisation vector is randomly created upon encryption, is required for decryption. It is to be sent over the blockchain K0A Whiteflag message. For decryption, all the information must be passed directly to the static factory method:

Accessing Message Fields

Message fields can be accessed through the getters and setter methods of the WfMessage class and the fieldname:

To ensure data integrity, a field value cannot change once set. The set methods returns true if the field value is set. If the return value is false, then the field value could not be set, either because the provided value is invalid, or the field had already been set.

See below for a number of methods to check message and field validity. Trying to serialize or encode an invalid message will result in a WfException of type WF_FORMAT_ERROR to be thrown.

Field Data and Validators

To support of message creation by application software, the following methods are available:

Accessing Message Msetadata

The Whiteflag message object also holds the metadata associated with the message. The metatdata may be accessed with the following methods:

As described, a metadata field cannot be changed once added.