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Whiteflag Java Library

Implementation of the Whiteflag Protocol for Java development

WFJL Whiteflag Messages

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This section describes how Whiteflag cryptographic functions are implemented internally by the WFJL. The WfMessage class uses these classes and methods to encrypt and decrypt messages. Classes that implement the WfAccount interface require to reference some of the cryptographic classes, such as WfEncryptionKey, WfECDHKeyPair, WfECDHPublicKey and WfAuthToken.


A simplified piece of code to encrypt some data with the one of the Whiteflag encryption methods may look like this:


public class Example {
  public byte[] encryptData(WfEncryptionKey key, byte[] data, byte[] context) {
    WfCipher cipher = WfCipher.fromKey(key);
    byte[] iv = cipher.setContext(context).setInitVector();
    byte[] ciphertext = cipher.encrypt(data);

Class Diagram

The class diagram gives a rough overview of the package. It is not intended as a complete or accurate reference for the classes. Instead, please see the WFJL Javadoc API Reference for all details.

WFJL Message Class Diagram

Detailed Implementation


Whiteflag message mostly uses hexadecimal representations for binary data. Most cryptographic functions, on the other hand, operate on byte arrays. Therefore, the WfCryptoUtil utility class provides functions to convert hexadecimal strings to byte arrays and vice versa:

String hexString = WfCryptoUtil.convertToHexString(byteArray);
byte[] byteArray = WfCryptoUtil.convertToByteArray(hexString);

Whiteflag crypto classes perform the conversion automatically with overloaded methods. Hoewever, where possible, it is prefered to represent and pass cryptographic data as a as a class insted of a byte array to ensure type safety, e.g. WfEncryptionKey, ECPublicKey, WfAuthToken, etc.

Some classes implement the interface, to clear thier contents by calling the destroy() method: WfEncryptionKey, WfCipher and WfECDHKeyPair. Subsequent calls to methods of these objects will cause an IllegalStateException.

Encryption methods

The Whiteflag specification defines encryption methods. These methods describe how the encryption of Whiteflag message is performed. The parameters for these methods (e.g. algortihm, mode, key length) are defined for the WFJL in the WfEncryptionMethod enum class. Currently two methods are implemented:

The WfEncryptionKey class represents a master encryption key. The key is created from raw key material and bound to one of the encyrption methods upon creation. The raw key material can be provided as a hexadecimal string or a byte array.

The WfCipher class performs the encryption of data. An instance of the cipher is created with a static factory method that is given the encryption key. Since the key is bound to an encryption method, the cipher initialises itself upon creation.

Before data can be encrypted or decrypted, the cipher needs an random but not secret initialisation vector to operate in counter mode. This vector can be randomly generated (for a new encryption) or be provided (for decryption). Whiteflag shares these initialisation vectors for encryption methods 1 and 2 respectively with K11 and K12 messages referencing the encrypted message.

Furthermore, “context information” must be provided to derrive and bind the actual encryption key. In accordance with the Whiteflag specification this is the address of the blockchain account sending the encrypted message. In accordance with the Whiteflag specification, the actual encryption keys are derrived using the RFC 5869 HKDF, which is implemented by the WfCryptoUtil class.

Key negotiation

Whiteflag uses Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman (ECDH) over the blockchain to negotiate a key fo encryption method 1. The WfECDHKeyPair class represents a key pair for the RFC 5639 brainpoolP256R1 curve for use by Whiteflag. The raw ECDH public keys are shared on the blockchain using Whiteflag K0A cryptographic support messages, so that others can calculate the shared secret and create an encryption key.

// Prepare K0A message with raw ECDH public key in CryptoData field
WfECDHKeyPair ownKeyPair = new WfECDHKeyPair();
byte[] ownPublicKey = ownKeyPair.getRawPublicKey();
wfMessageK0A.set("CryptoData", wfCryptoUtil.convertToHexString(ownPublicKey));

To create a shared encryption key from a received ECDH public key, create a new WfEncryptionKey by provding the received public key and you own WfECDHKeyPair key pair to the constructor:

// Received K0A message with raw ECDH public key in CryptoData field
String receivedPublicKey = wfMessageK0A.get("CryptoData");
WfEncryptionKey negotiatedKey = new WfEncryptionKey(receivedPublicKey, ownKeyPair);


The Whiteflag specification defines multip[le authentication methods. One of these methods uses a pre-shared secret for authentication. The WfAuthToken class represents such a pre-shared secret. The class generates the proof of possession (and identity) that can be used in a Whiteflag A2 authentication message.

// Prepare A2 message with proof of possession in VerificationData field
String context = ownBlockchainAddress;
WfAuthToken authToken = new WfAuthToken(someSharedSecret);
wfMessageA2.set("VerificationData", authToken.getVerificationData(context));