Interface WfAccount

public interface WfAccount
Whiteflag account interface

This interface defines how a class representing a blockchain account used for Whiteflag interacts with WFJL classes. Blockchains do not have a central user account database, and even the concept of an account does not exist on some blockchains. Therefore, this Whiteflag account is merely an abstraction for information related to a Whiteflag participant, including oneself.

Because different blockchain use the concept of an account differently, the actual implementation is blockchain-specific. This interface therefore defines how an object representing a blockchain account of a Whiteflag participiant must provide relevant information to instances of WFJL classes such a WfMessage. Information about a Whiteflag participant includes the blockchain address, and encryption keys and authentication tokens used with that address. Methods implementing this interface may return `null` if certain data is unknown or does not exist for a particpant.

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Returns the blockchain address as a string in the encoding specified for that specific blockchain
    Gets the authentication token sent with an A2 message to identify the originator associated with this account
    Gets the authentication URL sent with an A1 message used to identify the originator associated with this account
    Provides the binary blockchain address indepent from the representation for that blockchain
    Gets the own ECDH key pair used to negatiate keys with other participants
    Gets the other's ECDH public key used to negatioate a key with this participant's account
    Gets the shared encryption key with this participant's account
    Checks if this is an own account
  • Method Details

    • isSelf

      boolean isSelf()
      Checks if this is an own account
      TRUE if own account, else FALSE if other's account
    • getAddress

      String getAddress()
      Returns the blockchain address as a string in the encoding specified for that specific blockchain

      Blockchain addresses are encoded differently for different blockchains. For example, Bitcoin uses a modified Base58 encoding and Ethereum uses a hexadecimal string.

      a string with the blockchain address in the encoding used for that blockchain, or null if no known address
    • getBinaryAddress

      byte[] getBinaryAddress()
      Provides the binary blockchain address indepent from the representation for that blockchain

      Although addresses of diffrent blockchains are encoded differently, they all are essentially a binary value. Whiteflag uses that binary value to bind cryptographic keys and tokens to an address.

      a byte array with the binary blockchain address
    • getAuthURL

      URL getAuthURL()
      Gets the authentication URL sent with an A1 message used to identify the originator associated with this account
      a URL pointing to the authentication data, or null if no known url
      Whiteflag standard x-reference: Method 1: URL Validation
    • getAuthToken

      WfAuthToken getAuthToken()
      Gets the authentication token sent with an A2 message to identify the originator associated with this account
      the authentication token, or null if no knwon token
      Whiteflag standard x-reference: Method 2: Shared Token Validation
    • getSharedKey

      WfEncryptionKey getSharedKey()
      Gets the shared encryption key with this participant's account
      the pre-shared encryption key, or null if no key available
      Whiteflag standard x-reference:
      5.2.4 Message Encryption
    • getEcdhKeyPair

      WfECDHKeyPair getEcdhKeyPair()
      Gets the own ECDH key pair used to negatiate keys with other participants
      the ECDH public key, or null if no key pair available
      Whiteflag standard x-reference:
      5.2.4 Message Encryption
    • getEcdhPublicKey

      ECPublicKey getEcdhPublicKey()
      Gets the other's ECDH public key used to negatioate a key with this participant's account
      the ECDH public key, or null is no public key available
      Whiteflag standard x-reference:
      5.2.4 Message Encryption